About Us

As a charter school, MITCH relies on encouragement from parents, guardians, and family members. The PSO is an inclusive group that supports the educational programs and extra-curricular activities of MITCH Charter School. Our efforts focus on the following:

  • Fundraising: Funds raised support our school, teachers and students. The PSO board sets a budget each year and approves requests from the Director and Staff by majority vote. A small portion of our budget is used to pay for accounting, office, and insurance fees.

  • Volunteering: The PSO encourages active and positive engagement in our students’ education. Parent volunteers are vital to daily classroom operations; typically, classroom parents coordinate these volunteer needs. Volunteers are also necessary for school-wide operations, such as car line, lunch/recess duty and special events, such as our MITCH Marathon.

  • Community Building: MITCH has a small student population, but a strong sense of community. The PSO sponsors events that further the sense of community among MITCH families. We will publicize these events on our calendar.

View our comprehensive list of our PSO impact on the 2023/24 School year below!


The PSO meets on the second Thursday of the month, September-June at 6:30pm.

Zoom link to join us online

All parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings.  Agendas with the Zoom login information are sent by email prior to each meeting, and are posted along with the minutes on our drive here. Prior school year meeting minutes can be found here - Meeting Documents.

PSO Leadership Team for 2024-2025

President – Shannon Fairley

Vice-President – Alisha Morton

Secretary – Cheri Kay Doty

Treasurer – Stephanie Irving Lee (interim)

Communications – Elisabeth Adkins

Member-At-Large – Kelly Asbra

Member-At-Large – Starly-Jazz Thoorsell

Member-At-Large – Fran Corey

Member-At-Large – Stephanie Irving Lee

Member-At-Large – Ann Lewis

Member-At-Large – Amber Miller

Member-At-Large – Christine Sanchez

Member-At-Large –Tracy Senft